Tuesday, 30 April 2013

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The preliminary task really helped us to engage skills and then enhance on them skills for our final opening title sequence. I camera skills improved majorly which really helped us gain an insight when filming our opening horror title sequence. We had a better insight into pre production, production and post production process. 

Although we had a better insight we did however come across some issues where we had to reshoot twice. This is was because we wanted to ensure we had the correct camera angles.  Our post production process included using the editing software. Due to our preliminary task we were able to make a better quality film than previously. 

An advantage from the preliminary task was to help us perform our new skills at a quicker rate, we knew the software and we able to edit at a slightly quicker rate. 

These are examples of camera shots that we used in our first task, these helped us to gain a better insight once shooting our horror sequence. 


This is what we are first introduced to, using a hand help camera effect. 


This is medium and an establishing shot showing the surroundings as we follow Sam into the room.

This is a close up of Sams hands as he opens the door, we did however face a problem with this shot as there was an issue with continuity however we learnt from our mistakes. 


We then have a continuity shot as we film Sam from inside the room through the door he has just opened.

We also looked at using a tracking shot of our character as he came into the room, we believe that this had a good effect as you could see him every move.

This shot show the facial expression of when the character is walking into the room, it is a medium shot.

This shot used is establishing not only does it show our characters but it also shows the surrounding area.

Here is an over the shoulder shot using match on action of our characters Sam and Ruby talking.  
A shot reverse shot has been used here in order to show our characters. 

This is a medium shot showing Sam leaving the room. 


This shot is an example of continuity as we show a shot of him in the corridor, outside of the room. It is continuously filming Sam. 

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