Monday 29 April 2013

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I believe that our opening titles links closely to other horror movies, this is because most horror movies don't start off scary first of all just building suspense (juxtaposition). I believe we have created this through the use of the different conventions. I think the most successful area of our opening title is the lighting that we used, changing the effect when we came to edit it giving it a dark black and white feel, we contrasted the colours- this is typical of a horror movie. Young girls do not play out a night therefore filming in the day time was a must, then later with editing we created an eerie feel. I also think that our chosen location was also very typical of a horror genre the natural surrounding and the use of dark tall trees help Rosie to look vulnerable and the audience can't help but feel sorry for her. This is closely link to the Shinning, a film that we looked at when completing our research we like the use of lighting and we believe that we have created a similar effect. The Shining also opens showing the surrounding isolated area by using an establishing shot. I think the affect of using slow motion helped to build tension from the audience creating enigma as to what is going to happen next helping the scene to appear more dramatic. We play on the idea of gender representation a lot, making young girls appear vulnerable and pure, the use of the surroundings and clothing help to create this. The dress she is wearing is white and frilly, typical of a young girl. The shows are also silver which signifies purity too and linking to an angel. 

The titles that we have used in our film are slightly different to most opening titles, this helps the audience to focus on the footage rather than the text, giving the audience time to react to what they have just seen. We run a list of credits at the end on a black background we chose to do this because it helps to the story to flow maintaing the audiences attention.  However our title and 'MMR Productions' is run in a professional order similar to the opening titles that we have watched. We also looked at all of the different colours that could be used and the signifiers from these. A way in which we have challenged the conventions is with the sun shining through the trees even though there is danger however this signifies Rosie shining through him, she is always there a constant reminder.

The use of sounds that we used closely conforms to the codes and conventions of a typical horror film. I believe that the sounds used help to create tension and closely link to the story line of the film especially by using the nursery rhyme 'ring a ring a Rosie' that heavily adapted depending on the situation using a particularly unnerving soundtrack and was played in order to scare our audience. We wanted to captivate our audience remaining to building suspense throughout. I believe that we achieved this The use of the soundtrack 'ring a ring a Rosie' also helps to captivate our audience due to the little girl. This will also help to create enigma and enchases the youth of Rosie. 

I believe that the pace of our editing was fairly slow telling a story. The pace of our editing was used to build tension effecting our audience in order for them to gain an insight of what is happening before the pace grew faster, which would lead to the horror of a kidnapping.  T he soundtrack links in with this, it is a constant reminder of the danger using both diegetic and non diegetic sounds. The use of slow pace editing helps the young children playing appear ghostly which affects the audience dramatically by building more suspense and enigma as they wonder what are these children doing alone and what is going to happen next thus making the opening more dramatic.

Our film does not link to Todorov's theory this is because we start our film on a flashback not at the beginning therefore our film does not have stable equilibrium. 

The shots that we have used link closely to horror conventions, using close up when possible to show danger. 

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