Tuesday 30 April 2013

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to make sure that we fully addresses and attracted our audience we chose a child was of a young age. Due to our certificate being 12 we then thought that there was a connection in ages as parents would also have to watch this film and the 12 year old may know someone of that age. Therefore the audience can relate to the age thus making the story line more realistic. The use of 'Ring a ring a Rosie' also linked to out target audience this was because this is a well know nursery rhythm I grew up with it an I still hear it being used today. There are hidden meanings behind this nursery rhyme which is similar to the dark nature of our male character, linking to our story line it is closely linked with children. We reference the toys which is typical of a 12 certificate however we do not do it through the use of objects however through the use of our non diegetic sound, the music box this sound is also used in 'The Woman in Black' which is both a successful film and successful in building tension and suspense. The toy box sound is widely recognised from the audience because this is a part of growing up, this particular music box however is not of a typical nature it has a dark sinister feel it therefore becomes very peculiar and haunting. There is also a child crying in our soundtrack this could link to the audience because they have all heard this sound many would believe that this is the cry of Rosie. However, deeper meanings could suggest that it is the cry for the male during his child hood. 

Due to all of these points I feel that we have addresses the audience successfully due to these elements. 

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