Tuesday 30 April 2013

6.What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt many new factors when creating this product. Although the preliminary task helped widely with this we did however spend more time editing and closely refining our final opening credit therefore I learnt such effects such as ghosting and even researched similar effects on you tube to get a step by step guide. Although these skills were on the computer these however were not the only skills used and I even further improved my knowledge on the camera. I learnt such things of continuity and trying to keep filming in one day and a certain film slot, this is due to the natural lighting that we had in our opening title. 

On our first filming day we did find difficulties in setting up the tripod and camera again having to result in using a 'male do' one. However, we were no happy and resulted in re filming we though out knowledge and ideas had also progressed due to our first experience. 

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