Tuesday 30 April 2013

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In order to attract specific social groups we wanted our characters in our opening title to share a close relationship. As you can see our main character is a little girl, we believe the audience will share a bond with her because they have once been that age or they know someone who is, they are aware of the innocence and vulnerability that that age group has. This is a stereotypical view. 

Our character presents her social group in that way that she plays on her role of being vulnerable and naive, she is playing; which is typical or her age group. However she is walking alone and the trees further illustrate and emphasis her age with the trees towering over her. We researched and watched many clips of young girls, many of them have pedophilia elements. As stereotypical as it is more typical for a man to be stalking a young girl, rather than the other way around. When young girls are put in this position it makes the audience feel very uneasy as it is creepy and not heard of very often thus being unusual. 

In our storyline Rosie is not put in this position she is of a stereotypical nature a conventional 'little girl ghost' the audience feel fear and are threatened by the digital film. From a first glance it is easy to assume that the young girl is the the one who the trouble however the progression of the film is that this is not true, she is the victim. A first a assumption from the film Orphan we feel sorry for the girl, balancing out the stereotypical however we are then appear of her past. The audience first feel pity and protective of her this however does not last for long. The roles reverse. 

At the end of our film we want Rosie to be of a similar nature to the girl who plays Suzie Salmon in The Lovely Bones. Not only does this shown how often young actors are used in films but also because it is a perfect example of how the social group have been targeted successfully. It helps to show youth and naivety throughout out the extract. 

Our opening title also includes two other girls, these share the same horror conventions of Rose and remain being stereotypical by portraying their vulnerability. 

This screen shot, which was taken from our opening title also shows the male character, who is also a main character as well as Rosie. Unfortunatly we faced complications when filming and our male actor dropped out at short notice. We then had to use one of our editors Mollie Knapp. Although she is not male she played the male role of Rosies stalker. Stereotypically stalkers are male. I believe that the sinister old male social group is shown well in this opening with a variety of camera angles, we never reveal the face with also builds and creates suspense this also provides a low secretive profile at all times, similar to how men would act. The over the shoulder shot used shoes how our actor is bent over, slouching her shoulders. This shows the stalking nature because she is behind and is a similar position that a stereotypical role of a male would play. 

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