Tuesday 30 April 2013

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think a distribution company such as WARP films would be ideal for our opening title. I think that this would be a perfect way to introduce us to the film industry and see how our film would compare against the big blockbusters. It would be hard for a such a low budget film to gain advertsing so an alternative is to do self promotion horizontal integration would have to be used in order to find distributors. Advertising  independently creating facebook pages in order to help us, releasing trailers and quizzes. WARP X is a part of WARP focussing thoroughly on digital film, the same as ours. They often allow the free downloading of films in order to gain attention, this is something that we could try. We did not use any money when making our opening title so therefore our budget would not be as high as big conglomerates. 

We could also try entering this film into a film festivals such as the ‘Student Film Festival Awards’ to get funding. There is also the opportunity of entering into short film competitions. These would also help to distribute our film. Funding can be gained from this will the addition of the film getting recognised to enable future funidng as well as a wider audience. 

We didn't use film when making our opening title this is un common for a blockbuster, film is expensive and we had a very low budget. Many films do not get into cinemas and are not recognised this is because the film industry is very competitive. 

With the increase of digital downloding through dcdc ( Digital Cinema Distribution Coalition) our film would be easier to send to audiences and to cinemas. This would not be the same for film created with 34mm film. 

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