Friday 11 January 2013

Change of Sound

My evaluation:
We used a sound called 'Suspense 1' that we found to use as a overall sound playing throughout the opening to creates suspense and highlight that something is going to go wrong. The use of it playing throughout the opening impacts the whole opening as it creates an illusion and is a constant reminder that something is not right and something is going to go wrong. Another sound we used was from our previous research which was a slow version of 'Ring around the roses' this was because our genre was horror and the voice that it is sung by is ghostly and haunted. This creates a eerie atmosphere especially with the harmonising slow motion movement of the children playing. Also a sound we used was a music box this is because it is associated with the horror genre for example in 'Woman in black' the sound is used to create a ghostly feel to the film. Music boxes are also associated with childhood and children showing innocence and youth but with the creepy crying sound of a child it makes the audience feel uncomfortable and they are aware something is coming for Rosie.

Ruby's evaluation:
The soundtrack used in the opening sequence is called 'Suspense 1'. We felt as a group this fitted well with the clip as it built up the suspense and made it clear for the audience to recognize something bad was about to arise. The use of this soundtrack playing at the beginning gives a great impact, creating a strong enigma, and surreal atmosphere, putting the audience at edge as they are able to understand the stereotypical build up to something bad in this horror opening. We also decided to add in another sound that we found from previous research relating to our planning, it was a slowed down version of 'Ring around the roses'. This soundtrack added in helped further push forward our storyline. As it is slowed down it adds more drama, with a ghostly affect harmonising the slowed down camera affect of the three girls skipping in a circle. As the clip continues, shortly after the ring around the roses has been playing we are then playing another soundtrack of a music box, this is normally affiliated with the horror genre, a good example of the music box soundtrack being used is 'Woman In Black'. The music box soundtrack was also a good connection to childhood and children portraying youth, contrasting with the overlapping sinister cry of a child still clues the audience that something bad is coming for Rosie.

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