Friday 18 January 2013

Change of Credits

(Mollie Knapp, edited by Molly Hetherington)
Whilst putting together our footage we all agreed that the credits didn't flow well, diverting attention away from that main focus of the footage. They were contrasting with the effects making our film look unprofessional. We felt that we needed to change them, keeping them simple, we also felt that the font needed changing also making this simple and use a font that everyone is familiar with suggesting that the story of our film is not un common and can happen to anyone. In order to make sure that we got it right we tried many however we were all satisfied with 'Baskerville' believing that it was a good font to use. Simple and interesting. As well as it being easy to read when shown quickly we also wanted to emphasis the text by using a black outline. We chose a black outline and white font because it shows that the man is always around Rosie and secretly follows her which is why the outline is so thin. We also used white to signify Rosie as being pure, innocent and young and black for the man being dangerous, evil and a threat. We used bold font for 'Rosie' as it is the title of the film and commonly the title is slightly different to the credits which is why we had the font normal.

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