Saturday 20 October 2012


In order to gain information into our chosen genre we looked at a variety of different movies all of which had similar aspects of what we wanted to create. So as a group we sat down and discussed the different the target audiences that we was going to relate to focussing our opening title around them we though it would be a good idea to look into various different filma and different story lines however making sure that all of them included childrenAs well as the story lines behind the film we also agreed that the actors used help to interest the target audience. This is because they can link them from another film, liking their acting or simply admiring them. We could not do this however we would try ad play on making our main character look vulnerable therefore the audience will take an immediate liking to her especially the age that she is too. 

The film Lonely bones attracts a wide audience. It is certificated at a 12A however because of is confusing story line it goes on to attract adults too. 

 I looked at the film ‘Orphan’. This film has a classification of 15. This film helped us come to a final decision when choosing our age classification although the film is a 15 the opening title isn’t that scary, however it suggests signs of horror later on in the film.  Orphan also has the genre of horror/thriller, which is very similar to what we want to create making it have a psychopathic nature. 

After carrying out some more research of who the target audience was for this film, I came to the decision that it was very wide and as a group we agreed. This was because although the classification is 15, the Guardian, which claims to have a target audience of financially aware individuals with a high income, has reviewed it. Reflecting in the many articles about economy and current finances. Although other papers do also touch upon this topic, I believe than none go into such great detail with articles spanning the entire length and width of the broadsheet page. The journalist are aware of their target audience and therefore try to include them as much as they can when writing, using it to their advantage. However the online blogs do offer a wider audience. I therefore believe that this movie targets a wide audience in not just the young, broadening widely.

As you can see from this review, the language used is very sophisticated, this relates to the type of person reviewing it. Showing that they are well educated and suggesting that they are of a higher age group. These are not words that someone of our age would typically use. An example of this is using such words such as ‘malevolence’ followed by ‘individual often’ and referring to music as being ‘employed’. This suggests maturity.

The telegraph is another example of this. They are similar to the Guardian, which has an educated audience.

To make our filming perfect for our target audience we wanted to research movies similar to our target audience, genre and classification certificate. 


Classification: 15
Genre: Action Thriller

I then did some further research into other films that have a similar nature to what we want to create. Taken is a good example of this- where the girl is taken. Her father then comes looking for her. We went to make our character seen as vulnerable as she does this is because she is in a foreign country, with no adults around her only a friend who has also been put in this situation. It al starts with them travelling to Paris, when they arrive they meet a stranger called Peter, with Amanda letting it slip that she and her friend are alone in Paris together. Using this information an Albanian gang kidnaps the girls. With Kim barely having time to call her father, she calls in to give him all the information that she has. Her father then travels to Paris in pursuit to find his daughter and her friend. This is an action thriller film, certificating at a 15 in the UK.

(Ruby Coopers Analysis)
Classification: 18Genre: Crime, mystery, thriller.

The classification for the film seven is 18. Although this is a higher classicfication than we decided to class our opening titles as we have looked in depth at the beginning shots of this film which don’t actually reveal anything to upsetting I predict that the beginning of the film would be classes as  a 15. According to a survey on a website called rotten tomatoes, there is a high pecentage 85% of critics reviews all posistive. Reading the reviews I can see that it has mainly attracted adults as the comments have a lot of formal language used.

(Mollie Knapp's work)
The Devil's Child:
Classification: 15Genre: Horror

As you can see here the user who is reviewing the movie uses 'American slang', "i kept expecting this film to throw me a curve-ball at last minute". This shows that the movie has targeted a young American audience, shown by the language. 

Here is a reviewers information about them. As you can see the target audience here is a 30 year old mother, so the target audience varies to youths and adults. Meaning the target audience must be 15-30 years old.

Looking into target audience for Se7en

As you can see the viewings are mostly male, this is because it has some elements of action in it, this is stereotypically a male genre as in it it contains guns, police work, police chases and witty one liners. Audiences tend to like characters they can relate to and male audience members will find it easier to relate to male cast members than female cast members.  Stereotypically, men are meant to feel protective over their wives and family so, in theory, males would be able to relate to the rage that Brad Pitt feels at the end.  In addition, there are shoot outs and chases etc which are conventions of action genre which, stereotypically, men enjoy.  So these things all suggest that the film is being targeted at a male audience.  However there is a main female Gwyneth Paltrow who gives the storyline a protective element as Brad Pitt feels the need to protect her at the ending. I feel the male audience would be fond of this as they can relate and it is male instinct to protect the people you love. I feel that we could base use this method of protection to gain a more adult based audience as it is based on a young child being followed as this would make adults, parents especially be able to relate easier as they would feel connected to the story and would take on the story line to a much more deeper perspective as it highlights the point that this could happen to anyone in real life. 

Classification rules

(from wikipedia) 

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