In order to
complete and carry out more valid research into our opening title we decided to
create a questionnaire. This is where we would ask our target audience six
questions. We also thought it would be a good idea to do these because we had
some ideas that we were not certain about, we wanted our target audience to
feel more involved and see their views and ideas.
Once all
the questionnaires were completed, it helped us as a group come to some final
decisions. Helping us to discover our audience’s expectations and opinions on
successful horror and thriller movies. We also decided to use ‘every day’ and
‘normal’ clothing. This is because it helps add to the mystery of the opening
title, letting the horror/thriller play on the audiences mind making it much
more effective relating to real life and therefore making it more realistic
leaving the audience curious and paranoid.
Here are
some examples of the questions that we asked:
The results that are countable should really be put into a graph. This is not a top priority but if you have time it would look good. Only one of you (the group) need do this then you can all use the graph.