Friday 8 February 2013

New shooting Schedule

This is our updated shot list to our new shot list we have given our self enough time to shoot our shots this time period gave us enough time to get lots of shots from different angles which will make it easier  when editing especially with continuity as we will have lots to choose from.

 A mid shot of the tree and other shots of the trees so we have a vary of shots to choose from. 
A shot of the man behind the tree we will get various shots to use to show he is watching Rosie.
Shots of Rosie walking alone through the forest wondering through looking vulnerable.
Shots of boots walking through the forest
Shots of ring-a-ring-a rosies
Shots of the man following Rosie 
Shot of ribbon
Shot of legs walking to ribbon the floor
Shot of hand holding ribbon

Thursday 7 February 2013


(Ruby Cooper)
Here is scene one of the storyboard.
In this scene, we have a medium shot of the trees with the title 'Rosie' in the middle. The clip then zooms further into the tree branches for a close up.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : None.
Editing : contrast made darker.
Here is scene two of the storyboard.
We have a medium shot of the male character peering from behind a tree.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : one character the man.
Editing : contrast made darker.
Costume: dark red jumper
Here is scene three of the storyboard.
Here we can see the young girl character 'Rosie' from a long shot showing her walking through the trees. It then continues into a medium long shot.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : One the girl 'Rosie'.
Editing : contrast made darker.
costume : white dress.

Here is scene four of the storyboard.
Here we have a point of view hand held, long shot of 'Rosie' walking through the forest as though we are the man watching her.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : One the girl 'Rosie'.
Editing : contrast made darker.
costume : white dress.

Here is scene 5 of the storyboard.
We can see a tilt up medium close up of a tree with the title 'MMR Productions' at the bottom right corner as our credit.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : None.
Editing : contrast made darker, credit added which then dissolves out quickly.

Here is scene six of the storyboard.
We have a long shot that then goes into a medium shot
of the three girls dancing. We then want to have a panning shot of them skipping in a circle breaking the 180 degree rule to cause disorientation and a unusual feel for the audience.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : Three young girls one of which is 'Rosie'.
Editing : contrast made darker.
costume : dressed in young clothing like dresses etc.

Here is scene seven of the storyboard.
We have a medium to close up shot of the man watching the three girls skipping.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : The man.
Editing : contrast made darker.
costume : dark red jumper.

Here is scene eight of the storyboard.
We have another long shot of the girls skipping.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : Three young girls one of which is 'Rosie'.
Editing : contrast made darker.
costume : dressed in young clothing like dresses etc.

Here is scene nine of the storyboard.
Here we have a medium close up of the man and the girl 'Rosie' in the distant - long shot. Here we want the man to be watching 'Rosie' as she walks past.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : The man and the young girl 'Rosie'.
Editing : contrast made darker.
Costumes : Dark clothing for the man, and girl in white dress.

Here is scene ten of the storyboard.
Here we have a over the shoulder camera angle showing the man following 'Rosie' up the path.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene : The man and 'Rosie'.
Editing : contrast made darker.
Costumes : Dark clothing for the man, and girl in white dress.
Here is scene eleven of the storyboard.
In this scene we have a zoom in onto the red ribbon from 'Rosie's' hair the zoom in is a close up.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene :none
Editing : contrast made darker.
Props: Red Ribbon
Here is scene twelve of the storyboard.
We have a medium close up tracking shot as the camera will follow the mans feet as he walks over to the ribbon.
The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene :Mans feet.
Editing : contrast made darker.
costume: dark trousers and dark shoes.

Here is scene thirteen of the storyboard. Here we have a zoom in onto the mans hand picking up the ribbon, and then remains a close up of the hand holding the ribbon.
 The location: Outside.
Lighting: Daylight.
Characters on scene :none
Editing : contrast made darker.
Props: Red Ribbon